
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of tumor tissue and circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: A report from the PETRUS prospective study journalArticle 2016 Massard, C.; Oulhen, M.; Le Moulec, S.; Auger, N.; Foulon, S.; Abou-Lovergne, A.; Billiot, F.; Valent, A.; Marty, V.; Loriot, Y.; Fizazi, K.; Vielh, P.; Farace, F.
Mutation-Independent Activation of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Neuroblastoma journalArticle 2016 Regairaz, M.; Munier, F.; Sartelet, H.; Castaing, M.; Marty, V.; Renauleaud, C.; Doux, C.; Delbe, J.; Courty, J.; Fabre, M.; Ohta, S.; Vielh, P.; Michiels, S.; Valteau-Couanet, D.; Vassal, G.
Bias and precision of methods for estimating the difference in restricted mean survival time from an individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 Lueza, B.; Rotolo, F.; Bonastre, J.; Pignon, J. P.; Michiels, S.
Phase I trial evaluating the antiviral agent Cidofovir in combination with chemoradiation in cervical cancer patients journalArticle 2016 Deutsch, E.; Haie-Meder, C.; Bayar, M. A.; Mondini, M.; Laporte, M.; Mazeron, R.; Adam, J.; Varga, A.; Vassal, G.; Magne, N.; Chargari, C.; Lanoy, E.; Pautier, P.; Levy, A.; Soria, J. C.
Safety profiles of anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 antibodies alone and in combination journalArticle 2016 Boutros, C.; Tarhini, A.; Routier, E.; Lambotte, O.; Ladurie, F. L.; Carbonnel, F.; Izzeddine, H.; Marabelle, A.; Champiat, S.; Berdelou, A.; Lanoy, E.; Texier, M.; Libenciuc, C.; Eggermont, A. M.; Soria, J. C.; Mateus, C.; Robert, C.
Empirical extensions of the lasso penalty to reduce the false discovery rate in high-dimensional Cox regression models journalArticle 2016 Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.; Michiels, S.
Treatment strategies in early-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: a French national survey journalArticle 2016 Gorphe, P.; Blanchard, P.; Moriniere, S.; Fakhry, N.
New insights into the evaluation of randomized controlled trials for rare diseases over a long-term research horizon: a simulation study journalArticle 2016 Bayar, M. A.; Le Teuff, G.; Michiels, S.; Sargent, D. J.; Le Deley, M. C.
New French Coverage with Evidence Development for Innovative Medical Devices: Improvements and Unresolved Issues journalArticle 2016 Martelli, N.; van den Brink, H.; Borget, I.
Can postoperative radiotherapy be omitted in localised standard-risk Ewing sarcoma? An observational study of the Euro-E.W.I.N.G group journalArticle 2016 Foulon, S.; Brennan, B.; Gaspar, N.; Dirksen, U.; Jeys, L.; Cassoni, A.; Claude, L.; Seddon, B.; Marec-Berard, P.; Whelan, J.; Paulussen, M.; Streitbuerger, A.; Oberlin, O.; Juergens, H.; Grimer, R.; Le Deley, M. C.
Hypofractionation for prostate cancer: a word of caution journalArticle 2016 Bossi, A.; Blanchard, P.
Quelles exigences pour qu'un biomarqueur puisse être un critère de substitution acceptable ? journalArticle 2016 Paoletti, X.; Rotolo, F.; Michiels, S.
Preface journalArticle 2016 Heinze, G.; Michiels, S.; Posch, M.
Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Versus Intensity Modulated Photon Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer: First Comparative Results of Patient-Reported Outcomes journalArticle 2016 Sio, T. T.; Lin, H. K.; Shi, Q.; Gunn, G. B.; Cleeland, C. S.; Lee, J. J.; Hernandez, M.; Blanchard, P.; Thaker, N. G.; Phan, J.; Rosenthal, D. I.; Garden, A. S.; Morrison, W. H.; Fuller, C. D.; Mendoza, T. R.; Mohan, R.; Wang, X. S.; Frank, S. J.
Predicting and preventing thromboembolic events in patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy for germ cell tumours journalArticle 2016 Gizzi, M.; Oberic, L.; Massard, C.; Poterie, A.; Gwenael, L. T.; Loriot, Y.; Albiges, L.; Baciarello, G.; Michels, J.; Bossi, A.; Blanchard, P.; Escudier, B.; Fizazi, K.
Comment on "Chemoradiotherapy regimens for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a Bayesian network meta-analysis", published in Eur J Cancer 51 (2015), 1570-1579 journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Ribassin-Majed, L.; Lee, A.; Pignon, J. P.
Impact of Skin Toxicities Associated with Targeted Cancer Therapies on Body Image: A Prospective Study journalArticle 2016 Charles, C.; Razavi, D.; Bungener, C.; Mateus, C.; Lanoy, E.; Verschoore, M.; Dauchy, S.; Robert, C.
Statistical controversies in clinical research: prognostic gene signatures are not (yet) useful in clinical practice journalArticle 2016 Michiels, S.; Ternes, N.; Rotolo, F.
Feasibility Study of EndoTAG-1, a Tumor Endothelial Targeting Agent, in Combination with Paclitaxel followed by FEC as Induction Therapy in HER2-Negative Breast Cancer journalArticle 2016 Ignatiadis, M.; Zardavas, D.; Lemort, M.; Wilke, C.; Vanderbeeken, M. C.; D'Hondt, V.; De Azambuja, E.; Gombos, A.; Lebrun, F.; Dal Lago, L.; Bustin, F.; Maetens, M.; Ameye, L.; Veys, I.; Michiels, S.; Paesmans, M.; Larsimont, D.; Sotiriou, C.; Nogaret, J. M.; Piccart, M.; Awada, A.
Improved Treatment of Breast Cancer with Anti-HER2 Therapy Requires Interleukin-21 Signaling in CD8+ T Cells journalArticle 2016 Mittal, D.; Caramia, F.; Michiels, S.; Joensuu, H.; Kellokumpu-Lehtinen, P. L.; Sotiriou, C.; Loi, S.; Smyth, M. J.
Results of a multicenter phase I dose-finding trial of hyperthermic intraperitoneal cisplatin after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and complete cytoreductive surgery and followed by maintenance bevacizumab in initially unresectable ovarian cancer journalArticle 2016 Gouy, S.; Ferron, G.; Glehen, O.; Bayar, A.; Marchal, F.; Pomel, C.; Quenet, F.; Bereder, J. M.; Le Deley, M. C.; Morice, P.
Impact of thoracic radiotherapy timing in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: usefulness of the individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 De Ruysscher, D.; Lueza, B.; Le Pechoux, C.; Johnson, D. H.; O'Brien, M.; Murray, N.; Spiro, S.; Wang, X.; Takada, M.; Lebeau, B.; Blackstock, W.; Skarlos, D.; Baas, P.; Choy, H.; Price, A.; Seymour, L.; Arriagada, R.; Pignon, J. P.; Group, Rtt-Sclc Collaborative
Joint model for left-censored longitudinal data, recurrent events and terminal event: Predictive abilities of tumor burden for cancer evolution with application to the FFCD 2000-05 trial journalArticle 2016 Krol, A.; Ferrer, L.; Pignon, J. P.; Proust-Lima, C.; Ducreux, M.; Bouche, O.; Michiels, S.; Rondeau, V.
Reduced acute toxicity and improved efficacy from intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) for the management of head and neck cancer journalArticle 2016 McKeever, M. R.; Sio, T. T.; Gunn, G. B.; Holliday, E. B.; Blanchard, P.; Kies, M. S.; Weber, R. S.; Frank, S. J.
Statistical evaluation of surrogate endpoints with examples from cancer clinical trials journalArticle 2016 Buyse, M.; Molenberghs, G.; Paoletti, X.; Oba, K.; Alonso, A.; Van der Elst, W.; Burzykowski, T.
Innovations for phase I dose-finding designs in pediatric oncology clinical trials journalArticle 2016 Doussau, A.; Geoerger, B.; Jimenez, I.; Paoletti, X.
Mutation-Independent Activation of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Neuroblastoma journalArticle 2016 Regairaz, M.; Munier, F.; Sartelet, H.; Castaing, M.; Marty, V.; Renauleaud, C.; Doux, C.; Delbe, J.; Courty, J.; Fabre, M.; Ohta, S.; Vielh, P.; Michiels, S.; Valteau-Couanet, D.; Vassal, G.
Circulating Cell-Free Tumor DNA Analysis of 50 Genes by Next-Generation Sequencing in the Prospective MOSCATO Trial journalArticle 2016 Jovelet, C.; Ileana, E.; Le Deley, M. C.; Motte, N.; Rosellini, S.; Romero, A.; Lefebvre, C.; Pedrero, M.; Pata-Merci, N.; Droin, N.; Deloger, M.; Massard, C.; Hollebecque, A.; Ferte, C.; Boichard, A.; Postel-Vinay, S.; Ngo-Camus, M.; De Baere, T.; Vielh, P.; Scoazec, J. Y.; Vassal, G.; Eggermont, A.; Andre, F.; Soria, J. C.; Lacroix, L.
Impact of Skin Toxicities Associated with Targeted Cancer Therapies on Body Image: A Prospective Study journalArticle 2016 Charles, C.; Razavi, D.; Bungener, C.; Mateus, C.; Lanoy, E.; Verschoore, M.; Dauchy, S.; Robert, C.
New insights into the evaluation of randomized controlled trials for rare diseases over a long-term research horizon: a simulation study journalArticle 2016 Bayar, M. A.; Le Teuff, G.; Michiels, S.; Sargent, D. J.; Le Deley, M. C.
Variation in rates of breast cancer surgery: A national analysis based on French Hospital Episode Statistics journalArticle 2016 Rococo, E.; Mazouni, C.; Or, Z.; Mobillion, V.; Koon Sun Pat, M.; Bonastre, J.
[Radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma] journalArticle 2016 Maingon, P.; Blanchard, P.; Bidault, F.; Calmels, L.
Zoledronate in combination with chemotherapy and surgery to treat osteosarcoma (OS2006): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 trial journalArticle 2016 Piperno-Neumann, S.; Le Deley, M. C.; Redini, F.; Pacquement, H.; Marec-Berard, P.; Petit, P.; Brisse, H.; Lervat, C.; Gentet, J. C.; Entz-Werle, N.; Italiano, A.; Corradini, N.; Bompas, E.; Penel, N.; Tabone, M. D.; Gomez-Brouchet, A.; Guinebretiere, J. M.; Mascard, E.; Gouin, F.; Chevance, A.; Bonnet, N.; Blay, J. Y.; Brugieres, L.; Sarcoma Group of, Unicancer; French Society of Pediatric, Oncology; French Sarcoma, Group
Patients aged over 75 years enrolled in Phase I clinical trials: the Gustave Roussy experience journalArticle 2016 Helissey, C.; Biondani, P.; Roquet, F.; Lanoy, E.; Mir, O.; Varga, A.; Massard, C.; Gazzah, A.; Ribrag, V.; Bahleda, R.; Postel-Vinay, S.; Angevin, E.; Deutsch, E.; Soria, J. C.; Hollebecque, A.
Impact of thoracic radiotherapy timing in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: usefulness of the individual patient data meta-analysis journalArticle 2016 De Ruysscher, D.; Lueza, B.; Le Pechoux, C.; Johnson, D. H.; O'Brien, M.; Murray, N.; Spiro, S.; Wang, X.; Takada, M.; Lebeau, B.; Blackstock, W.; Skarlos, D.; Baas, P.; Choy, H.; Price, A.; Seymour, L.; Arriagada, R.; Pignon, J. P.; Group, Rtt-Sclc Collaborative
Looking Beyond the Numbers: Highlighting the Challenges of Population-Based Studies in Cancer Research journalArticle 2016 Blanchard, P.; Garden, A. S.
Towards understanding the breast cancer epigenome: a comparison of genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression data journalArticle 2016 Singhal, S. K.; Usmani, N.; Michiels, S.; Metzger-Filho, O.; Saini, K. S.; Kovalchuk, O.; Parliament, M.
Effects of Estrogen Receptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 Levels on the Efficacy of Trastuzumab: A Secondary Analysis of the HERA Trial journalArticle 2016 Loi, S.; Dafni, U.; Karlis, D.; Polydoropoulou, V.; Young, B. M.; Willis, S.; Long, B.; de Azambuja, E.; Sotiriou, C.; Viale, G.; Ruschoff, J.; Piccart, M. J.; Dowsett, M.; Michiels, S.; Leyland-Jones, B.
Busulfan-Melphalan followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma or Ewing sarcoma: an exposed-unexposed study evaluating the clinical impact of the order of drug administration journalArticle 2016 Dourthe, M. E.; Ternes, N.; Gajda, D.; Paci, A.; Dufour, C.; Benhamou, E.; Valteau-Couanet, D.
Prognostic Effect of Tumor Lymphocytic Infiltration in Resectable Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer journalArticle 2016 Brambilla, E.; Le Teuff, G.; Marguet, S.; Lantuejoul, S.; Dunant, A.; Graziano, S.; Pirker, R.; Douillard, J. Y.; Le Chevalier, T.; Filipits, M.; Rosell, R.; Kratzke, R.; Popper, H.; Soria, J. C.; Shepherd, F. A.; Seymour, L.; Tsao, M. S.