
Publications pour l'équipe Oncostat

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Associations With Pathological Complete Response and Event-Free Survival in HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer Treated With Lapatinib and Trastuzumab: A Secondary Analysis of the NeoALTTO Trial journalArticle 2015 Salgado, R.; Denkert, C.; Campbell, C.; Savas, P.; Nuciforo, P.; Aura, C.; de Azambuja, E.; Eidtmann, H.; Ellis, C. E.; Baselga, J.; Piccart-Gebhart, M. J.; Michiels, S.; Bradbury, I.; Sotiriou, C.; Loi, S.
REBECA: a phase I study of bevacizumab and whole-brain radiation therapy for the treatment of brain metastasis from solid tumours journalArticle 2015 Levy, C.; Allouache, D.; Lacroix, J.; Dugue, A. E.; Supiot, S.; Campone, M.; Mahe, M.; Kichou, S.; Leheurteur, M.; Hanzen, C.; Dieras, V.; Kirova, Y.; Campana, F.; Le Rhun, E.; Gras, L.; Bachelot, T.; Sunyach, M. P.; Hrab, I.; Geffrelot, J.; Gunzer, K.; Constans, J. M.; Grellard, J. M.; Clarisse, B.; Paoletti, X.
Percutaneous bone biopsies: comparison between flat-panel cone-beam CT and CT-scan guidance journalArticle 2015 Tselikas, L.; Joskin, J.; Roquet, F.; Farouil, G.; Dreuil, S.; Hakime, A.; Teriitehau, C.; Auperin, A.; de Baere, T.; Deschamps, F.
Trends in tobacco-attributable mortality in France journalArticle 2015 Ribassin-Majed, L.; Hill, C.
Predisposing factors of liver necrosis after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in liver metastases from neuroendocrine tumor journalArticle 2015 Joskin, J.; de Baere, T.; Auperin, A.; Tselikas, L.; Guiu, B.; Farouil, G.; Boige, V.; Malka, D.; Leboulleux, S.; Ducreux, M.; Baudin, E.; Deschamps, F.
Innovative medical devices and hospital decision making: a study comparing the views of hospital pharmacists and physicians journalArticle 2015 Billaux, M.; Borget, I.; Prognon, P.; Pineau, J.; Martelli, N.
How to Model Survival In Cost-Effectiveness Analysis? Differences Between Markov and Partitioned Survival Analysis Models journalArticle 2015 Minacori, R.; Bonastre, J.; Lueza, B.; Marguet, S.; Levy, P.
Mineralogy and uranium leaching of ores from Triassic Peribaltic sandstones journalArticle 2015 Gajda, D.; Kiegiel, K.; Zakrzewska-Koltuniewicz, G.; Chajduk, E.; Bartosiewicz, I.; Wolkowicz, S.
Coronary stenosis risk analysis following Hodgkin lymphoma radiotherapy: A study based on patient specific artery segments dose calculation journalArticle 2015 Moignier, A.; Broggio, D.; Derreumaux, S.; Beaudre, A.; Girinsky, T.; Paul, J. F.; Drubay, D.; Lefkopoulos, D.; Franck, D.; Aubert, B.; Deutsch, E.; Bourhis, J.
Adjuvant chemotherapy for resected early-stage non-small cell lung cancer journalArticle 2015 Burdett, S.; Pignon, J. P.; Tierney, J.; Tribodet, H.; Stewart, L.; Le Pechoux, C.; Aupérin, A.; Le Chevalier, T.; Stephens, R. J.; Arriagada, R.; Higgins, J. P.; Johnson, D. H.; Van Meerbeeck, J.; Parmar, M. K.; Souhami, R. L.; Bergman, B.; Douillard, J. Y.; Dunant, A.; Endo, C.; Girling, D.; Kato, H.; Keller, S. M.; Kimura, H.; Knuuttila, A.; Kodama, K.; Komaki, R.; Kris, M. G.; Lad, T.; Mineo, T.; Piantadosi, S.; Rosell, R.; Scagliotti, G.; Seymour, L. K.; Shepherd, F. A.; Sylvester, R.; Tada, H.; Tanaka, F.; Torri, V.; Waller, D.; Liang, Y.
The Use of Indirect Comparisons in Medicines Evaluation for their Access To Reimbursement by the Has journalArticle 2015 Guichard, M.; D'Andon, A.; Rumeau Pichon, C.; Borget, I.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of individual participant data: the PRISMA-IPD Statement journalArticle 2015 Stewart, L. A.; Clarke, M.; Rovers, M.; Riley, R. D.; Simmonds, M.; Stewart, G.; Tierney, J. F.; Group, Prisma-Ipd Development
Impact of prophylactic central neck dissection on oncologic outcomes of papillary thyroid carcinoma: a review journalArticle 2015 Mamelle, E.; Borget, I.; Leboulleux, S.; Mirghani, H.; Suárez, C.; Pellitteri, P. K.; Shaha, A. R.; Hamoir, M.; Robbins, K. T.; Khafif, A.; Rodrigo, J. P.; Silver, C. E.; Rinaldo, A.; Ferlito, A.; Hartl, D. M.
Guidelines for time-to-event end point definitions in breast cancer trials: results of the DATECAN initiative (Definition for the Assessment of Time-to-event Endpoints in CANcer trials) journalArticle 2015 Gourgou-Bourgade, S.; Cameron, D.; Poortmans, P.; Asselain, B.; Azria, D.; Cardoso, F.; A'Hern, R.; Bliss, J.; Bogaerts, J.; Bonnefoi, H.; Brain, E.; Cardoso, M. J.; Chibaudel, B.; Coleman, R.; Cufer, T.; Dal Lago, L.; Dalenc, F.; De Azambuja, E.; Debled, M.; Delaloge, S.; Filleron, T.; Gligorov, J.; Gutowski, M.; Jacot, W.; Kirkove, C.; MacGrogan, G.; Michiels, S.; Negreiros, I.; Offersen, B. V.; Penault Llorca, F.; Pruneri, G.; Roche, H.; Russell, N. S.; Schmitt, F.; Servent, V.; Thürlimann, B.; Untch, M.; van der Hage, J. A.; van Tienhoven, G.; Wildiers, H.; Yarnold, J.; Bonnetain, F.; Mathoulin-Pélissier, S.; Bellera, C.; Dabakuyo-Yonli, T. S.
Statistical controversies in clinical research: requiem for the 3 + 3 design for phase I trials journalArticle 2015 Paoletti, X.; Ezzalfani, M.; Le Tourneau, C.
A comparison between different prediction models for invasive breast cancer occurrence in the French E3N cohort journalArticle 2015 Dartois, L.; Gauthier, E.; Heitzmann, J.; Baglietto, L.; Michiels, S.; Mesrine, S.; Boutron-Ruault, M. C.; Delaloge, S.; Ragusa, S.; Clavel-Chapelon, F.; Fagherazzi, G.
Subtype Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma Predicts Benefit From Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients Undergoing Complete Resection journalArticle 2015 Tsao, M. S.; Marguet, S.; Le Teuff, G.; Lantuejoul, S.; Shepherd, F. A.; Seymour, L.; Kratzke, R.; Graziano, S. L.; Popper, H. H.; Rosell, R.; Douillard, J. Y.; Le-Chevalier, T.; Pignon, J. P.; Soria, J. C.; Brambilla, E. M.
Hypertension and angiotensin system inhibitors: impact on outcome in sunitinib-treated patients for metastatic renal cell carcinoma journalArticle 2015 Izzedine, H.; Derosa, L.; Le Teuff, G.; Albiges, L.; Escudier, B.
In reply to Alber and Sohn journalArticle 2015 Benadjaoud, M. A.; de Vathaire, F.; Blanchard, P.; Cardot, H.
A 16-gene assay to predict recurrence after surgery in localised renal cell carcinoma: development and validation studies journalArticle 2015 Rini, B.; Goddard, A.; Knezevic, D.; Maddala, T.; Zhou, M.; Aydin, H.; Campbell, S.; Elson, P.; Koscielny, S.; Lopatin, M.; Svedman, C.; Martini, J. F.; Williams, J. A.; Verkarre, V.; Radulescu, C.; Neuzillet, Y.; Hemmerle, I.; Timsit, M. O.; Tsiatis, A. C.; Bonham, M.; Lebret, T.; Mejean, A.; Escudier, B.
Precision medicine: lessons learned from the SHIVA trial - Authors' reply journalArticle 2015 Le Tourneau, C.; Belin, L.; Paoletti, X.; Bieche, I.; Kamal, M.
Postoperative fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography: an important imaging modality in patients with aggressive histology of differentiated thyroid cancer journalArticle 2015 Nascimento, C.; Borget, I.; Al Ghuzlan, A.; Deandreis, D.; Hartl, D.; Lumbroso, J.; Berdelou, A.; Lepoutre-Lussey, C.; Mirghani, H.; Baudin, E.; Schlumberger, M.; Leboulleux, S.
Development of curative therapies for Ewing sarcomas by interdisciplinary cooperative groups in Europe journalArticle 2015 Bölling, T.; Braun-Munzinger, G.; Burdach, S.; Calaminus, G.; Craft, A.; Delattre, O.; Deley, M. C.; Dirksen, U.; Dockhorn-Dworniczak, B.; Dunst, J.; Engel, S.; Faldum, A.; Fröhlich, B.; Gadner, H.; Göbel, U.; Gosheger, G.; Hardes, J.; Hawkins, D. S.; Hjorth, L.; Hoffmann, C.; Kovar, H.; Kruseova, J.; Ladenstein, R.; Leuschner, I.; Lewis, I. J.; Oberlin, O.; Paulussen, M.; Potratz, J.; Ranft, A.; Rössig, C.; Rübe, C.; Sauer, R.; Schober, O.; Schuck, A.; Timmermann, B.; Tirode, F.; van den Berg, H.; van Valen, F.; Vieth, V.; Willich, N.; Winkelmann, W.; Whelan, J.; Womer, R. B.
The cost of thromboembolic events in hospitalized patients with breast or prostate cancer in France journalArticle 2015 Scotte, F.; Martelli, N.; Vainchtock, A.; Borget, I.
(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography to assess response after radiation therapy in anaplastic thyroid cancer journalArticle 2015 Levy, A.; Leboulleux, S.; Lepoutre-Lussey, C.; Baudin, E.; Ghuzlan, A. A.; Hartl, D.; Deutsch, E.; Deandreis, D.; Lumbroso, J.; Tao, Y.; Schlumberger, M.; Blanchard, P.
Aromatase inhibitors versus tamoxifen in early breast cancer: patient-level meta-analysis of the randomised trials journalArticle 2015 Dowsett, M.; Forbes, J. F.; Bradley, R.; Ingle, J.; Aihara, T.; Bliss, J.; Boccardo, F.; Coates, A.; Coombes, R. C.; Cuzick, J.; Dubsky, P.; Gnant, M.; Kaufmann, M.; Kilburn, L.; Perrone, F.; Rea, D.; Thürlimann, B.; van de Velde, C.; Pan, H.; Peto, R.; Davies, C.; Gray, R.
Design and statistical principles of the SHIVA trial journalArticle 2015 Paoletti, X.; Asselain, B.; Kamal, M.; Servant, N.; Huppe, P.; Bieche, I.; Le Tourneau, C.
Screening in asymptomatic SDHx mutation carriers: added value of ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT at initial diagnosis and 1-year follow-up journalArticle 2015 Lepoutre-Lussey, C.; Caramella, C.; Bidault, F.; Déandreis, D.; Berdelou, A.; Al Ghuzlan, A.; Hartl, D.; Borget, I.; Gimenez-Roqueplo, A. P.; Dumont, F.; Deschamps, F.; Nascimento, C.; Lumbroso, J.; Guillaud Bataille, M.; Schlumberger, M.; Baudin, E.; Leboulleux, S.
Economic evaluation of first-line and maintenance treatments for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review journalArticle 2015 Chouaïd, C.; Crequit, P.; Borget, I.; Vergnenegre, A.
A Dual Model for Prioritizing Cancer Mutations in the Non-coding Genome Based on Germline and Somatic Events journalArticle 2015 Li, J.; Poursat, M. A.; Drubay, D.; Motz, A.; Saci, Z.; Morillon, A.; Michiels, S.; Gautheret, D.
Primary cutaneous and subcutaneous Ewing sarcoma journalArticle 2015 Di Giannatale, A.; Frezza, A. M.; Le Deley, M. C.; Marec-Bérard, P.; Benson, C.; Blay, J. Y.; Bui, B.; Judson, I.; Oberlin, O.; Whelan, J.; Gaspar, N.
Cost Of Genome Analysis: The Sanger Sequencing Method journalArticle 2015 Perrier, L.; Heinz, D.; Baffert, S.; Zou, Z.; Durand Zaleski, I.; Rouleau, E.; Wang, Q.; Haddad, V.; Bringuier, P.; Merlio, J.; Caumont, C.; Lacroix, L.; Marino, P.; Borget, I.
Plasma miR-200b in ovarian carcinoma patients: distinct pattern of pre/post-treatment variation compared to CA-125 and potential for prediction of progression-free survival journalArticle 2015 Kapetanakis, N. I.; Uzan, C.; Jimenez-Pailhes, A. S.; Gouy, S.; Bentivegna, E.; Morice, P.; Caron, O.; Gourzones-Dmitriev, C.; Le Teuff, G.; Busson, P.
Impact of gender on efficacy and acute toxicity of alkylating agent -based chemotherapy in Ewing sarcoma: secondary analysis of the Euro-Ewing99-R1 trial journalArticle 2015 van den Berg, H.; Paulussen, M.; Le Teuff, G.; Judson, I.; Gelderblom, H.; Dirksen, U.; Brennan, B.; Whelan, J.; Ladenstein, R. L.; Marec-Berard, P.; Kruseova, J.; Hjorth, L.; Kuhne, T.; Brichard, B.; Wheatley, K.; Craft, A.; Juergens, H.; Gaspar, N.; Le Deley, M. C.; Euro, Ewing Group
A Systematic Review of the Level of Evidence in Economic Evaluations of Medical Devices: The Example of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty journalArticle 2015 Martelli, N.; Devaux, C.; van den Brink, H.; Pineau, J.; Prognon, P.; Borget, I.
Efficacy of vaccination against HPV infection to prevent cervical cancer in France journalArticle 2015 Ribassin-Majed, L.; Hill, C.; Lounes, R.
Is primary tumour resection associated with survival improvement in patients with colorectal cancer and unresectable synchronous metastases? A pooled analysis of individual data from four randomised trials journalArticle 2015 Faron, M.; Pignon, J. P.; Malka, D.; Bourredjem, A.; Douillard, J. Y.; Adenis, A.; Elias, D.; Bouché, O.; Ducreux, M.
Chemotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - Current Recommendation and Controversies journalArticle 2015 Sze, H.; Blanchard, P.; Ng, W. T.; Pignon, J. P.; Lee, A. W.
Mineralogy and uranium leaching of ores from Triassic Peribaltic sandstones journalArticle 2015 Gajda, D.; Kiegiel, K.; Zakrzewska-Koltuniewicz, G.; Chajduk, E.; Bartosiewicz, I.; Wolkowicz, S.