
Depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in a population-based cohort of young adults before and during the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.. Gouin, Jean-Philippe; MacNeil, Sasha; de la Torre-Luque, Alejandro; Chartrand, Elise; Chadi, Nicholas; Rouquette, Alexandra; Boivin, Michel; Côté, Sylvana; Geoffroy, Marie-Claude. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique. 2023; 114: p.368-377. doi:10.17269/s41997-023-00772-7
A modeling study on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic responses on the community transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Kovacevic, Aleksandra; Smith, David R M; Rahbé, Eve; Novelli, Sophie; Henriot, Paul. . 2023; : p.1-23
Indoor visible moulds and rhinitis in adults: The EGEA study. Orsi, Laurent; Savouré, Marine; Bousquet, Jean; Jacquemin, Bénédicte; Siroux, Valérie; Jaakkola, Maritta S.; Jaakkola, Jouni J. K.; Leynaert, Bénédicte; Nadif, Rachel. Allergy. 2023; 78: p.864-867. doi:10.1111/all.15525
Medical Students' Learning Process During Simulated Patient Consultations in Psychiatry: A Grounded Theory Study.. Piot, Marie-Aude; Pham-Scottez, Alexandra; Bazziconi, Pierre-François; Lebailly, Thibaut; Le Moal, Valérie; Kalindjian, Nina; Sulimovic, Leslie; Duriez, Philibert; Lombardi, Laura; Barbotin, Bénédicte; Vinckier, Fabien; Burn, Carine Layat; Rethans, Jan-Joost; Tesnière, Antoine; Falissard, Bruno. Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. 2023; 18: p.155-162. doi:10.1097/SIH.0000000000000671
Do You Inquire About Hormonal Treatment in Female Patients Consulting for New Onset Asthma or Asthma Exacerbation?. Leynaert, Bénédicte; Litonjua, Augusto A.. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2023; 11: p.2491-2492. doi:10.1016/j.jaip.2023.05.049
Adherence to continuous positive airway pressure treatment in a cohort of elderly adults with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea.. Onen, Fannie; Onen, Saban-Hakki; Le Vaillant, Marc; Gagnadoux, Frédéric; Martin, Francis. Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung. 2023; : . doi:10.1007/s11325-023-02795-3
Endométriose : perspectives des patientes pour améliorer la prise en charge et trajectoires d'évolution des douleurs dans la cohorte ComPaRe-Endométriose. Gouesbet, Solene; Kvaskoff, Marina. []: université Paris-Saclay; 2023.
Rapid access to innovative medicinal products while ensuring relevant health technology assessment. Position of the French National Authority for Health.. Vanier, Antoine; Fernandez, Judith; Kelley, Sophie; Alter, Lise; Semenzato, Patrick; Alberti, Corinne; Chevret, Sylvie; Costagliola, Dominique; Cucherat, Michel; Falissard, Bruno; Gueyffier, François; Lambert, Jérôme; Lengliné, Etienne; Locher, Clara; Naudet, Florian; Porcher, Raphael; Thiébaut, Rodolphe; Vray, Muriel; Zohar, Sarah; Cochat, Pierre; Le Guludec, Dominique. BMJ evidence-based medicine. 2023; : p.bmjebm-2022-112091. doi:10.1136/bmjebm-2022-112091
Mortality and failure-to-rescue major complication trends after lung cancer surgery between 2005 and 2020: a nationwide population-based study. Bernard, Alain; Cottenet, Jonathan; Pagès, Pierre-Benoit; Quantin, Catherine. BMJ open. 2023; 13: p.e075463. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075463